About the Brahmchari Baba Satsang Samiti

Brahmchari Baba Satsang Samiti was established with the aim of enhancement of the welfare of the country, the people and self conscious, in 2000 in Delhi, the capital of India. From the ancient time is a country of saints and gurus. In the tradition of these saints (Deoraha Baba, Neema Karoli Baba, Burfani Dada) this Samiti was established to commemorate the ideas of present Himalayan Sant, Yogiraj Shri Shri 1008 Devendra Sharan Brahmachari Jee Maharaj (Mauni Baba)..

About Mauni Baba

Sri Sri 1008 Respectable Shri Devendrashnam Brahmachari Mauni Baba. It is the grace of Gurudeva that has given a chance to me to write something about the life sketch fo the Gurudeva. Those great people whose deeds are always for doing good to mankind they are not counted as man in this age of peaceless, destructive and inhuman society. They as a part of God spread their love in the society in such a way which enables man to acquire prosperity and peace not only in life but also everlasting pleasure for their future life.
Chairman's Message

Our Hindu Religion is the oldest in the world. The people of the world do recognize our religion the descriptions of God and Goddesses and their 'Avtars'. I believe that the God in different 'Avtars' do exist in the universe and also controls it. Capable human being through 'Sadhna', 'Tapasya', Yoga and Hathyoga do perceive God and make their lives worth living, enhancing their peace, prosperity and also help others and the world for such attainments..








"Jai Mauni Baba"


Er. B. K. Singh, Chairman


 Our Hindu Religion is the oldest in the world. The people of the world do recognize our religion the descriptions of God and Goddesses and their 'Avtars'. I believe that the God in different 'Avtars' do exist in the universe and also controls it. Capable human being through 'Sadhna', 'Tapasya', Yoga and Hathyoga do perceive God and make their lives worth living, enhancing their peace, prosperity and also help others and the world for such attainments.

Common people could not attain proximity to God because they always remain involved in their family problems hence they do not find time to search God. We generally worship god in temples through the idols and images. Saints are incarnation of God and are sent by God on earth on different occasions on different time, who living in the world following the norms for normal human being and after some time leave the wordly affair to become Saints. Saints are loved by God but Saints love common mass. Thus Saints are the link between common people and God. We may see, observe and worship Saint on according to desire.

Human being may get positive thoughts and discard sins, attain pleasure in the Satsang with Saints and then they may spent their lives in prosperity, peace and pleasure even observing own day to day life. Such Saints are even available today and we may make our life worth levelling by their Satsang.

One who cretes, link between Saints and the society are really pious people.

The labour and self-dependence has got no alternative.

Human being is a part and parcel of Almightly. He is limitless, infinite and symbol of conscious power. Atma and Almighty is one. Self-encircles whole world hence people call it word self. People in the grip of worldly affairs forget God and suppose himself the doer. The life in the bondage of worldly affairs becomes body. Life becomes the involvement in worldly affairs and that is the end of life - 'Bhav, Bibhav Parabhav Karnam'.

This Parabhav ruins religion and that creates the tendency of evil design. When such in human activities increases then Saints and great human and God takes Birth and try to re-establish religion and human values. Rama, Krishna, have come to re-establish the religion and Kabira, Nanaka, Surdas, Tulsi had enthused new energy in India by their spiritual attainments.

God by his grace send Mahapurshas who lights the path of common people and uplfits down trodden. Thy in incarnation makes people happy and remove ignorance. The process of incarnation and upliftment is the result of God's grace.

Divine Lights is visible in the whole world. If we can create the ability to see such light we can visualize it. The Saints get themselves attached to God. If we perform our duties thanking that we are doing thing in the eyes of God we many not involve in sins.

Our ideas may widen and our soul becomes pure. We become attached to God and become capable to receive God's grace.

"Sarve Bhabantu Sukhina,
Sarve Santu Niramaya.
Sarve Bhadrani Pasyantu
Ma Kaschid Dukhamapunyat".




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